Our philosophy
Our philosophy about cervical, thoracic, and lumbar reconstruction is to choose methods which are the least invasive whenever possible.
Not all cervical or lumbar conditions can be treated with minimally invasive surgery; however the majority are. Minimally invasive surgery is much easier on the patient, it has less hospital time, less out of work time, and there are many versions of minimally invasive surgeries in all areas of the spine; however, I have concentrated on the ones that, in my hands, seem to work the best. From a practical standpoint, I view lumbar reconstructive and cervical reconstructive surgery as a way to decrease the pain, increase the functionality, and to let the patient begin to exercise.
It is the rehabilitation and exercise that restores health and functionality, sense of well being, and decreased pain that is the most successful and the most important part of cervical or lumbar surgery. It is imperative that patients become “health minded”. This means that weight loss, using a high protein diet, cardiac and pulmonary conditioning, strengthening of the extremity musculature and, most importantly, strengthening of the cord. It is important that each one of the patients postoperatively, and even preoperatively, rehabilitate themselves to the maximum possible.